Download Sharpcap : The best free webcam astrophotography software

What’s SharpCap ?

SharpCap is a simple to-utilize webcam and astronomy camera capture software. It is principally intended for astronomy and astrophotography use.

The primary objectives were to be anything but difficult to use while watching and observing the sky, and to maintain a strategic distance from missteps like catching with the wrong resolution and definition or camera settings, or overwriting a current file acccidentally.

Looking for an excellent and cheap Camera for Astrophotography ?

A great camera for the Moon, Sun, Planets as well as Galaxies, Clusters and Nebulae.

Throughout the years SharpCap has developed from just a simple webcam recording software into an a great deal more thorough capture apparatus prepared to do straightforwardly controlling numerous stargazing focused and different cameras.

SharpCap : a free astronomy capture software

SharpCap : a free astronomy capture software

Principle features of SharpCap

  • Camera controls always open alongside the capture window – no need to open dialogs
  • Can save and restore capture profiles, which store all the camera settings – once you have your camera set up perfectly to capture the moon, save the settings and restore them later
  • Can adjust camera settings during capture if necessary
  • Automatic file name generation for each new capture – no more overwritten captures
  • Camera settings written to file alongside every capture – no more trying to remember what settings you used.
  • Limit capture length by time or frames, or just take a single frame
  • Live histogram support, including support for 16 bits per pixel (65536 levels).
  • Six different focus aids – Contrast detection * 2, Bahtinov, Fourier Analysis and FWHM * 2.
  • Support for ASCOM Cameras, Focusers, Filter Wheels and Mount control.
  • Focuser positon vs focus score graph when using ASCOM focuser.
  • Night mode for red UI
  • Zoomable preview
  • Overlay a movable, rotatable reticule on the preview
  • Support for running a sequence of captures : for automatic captures of celestial objects. Very helpful when doing animation of the rotation of a planet for example.
  • Live Stacking – support for video astronomy
  • Polar Alignment tool : an easy tool for doing polar alignment with software and your camera insteade of the polar scope
See also  Biggest astrophotography Mistakes : The 7 mistakes you need to avoid

Free Download of SharpCap : The best free webcam astronomy software

Download Version 3.0.4067.0

Release date : 26 December 2017


EDIT : The last version of SharpCap is available : Download SharpCap 3.1

5.00 avg. rating (96% score) - 2 votes

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No Responses

  1. January 4, 2017

    […] Download Autostakkert for free […]

  2. February 13, 2018

    […] SharpCap 3.0 contained integration to ‘Astrometry.Net’ based local plate solvers, but it required you to have a connected ASCOM mount as it used the mount pointing as an initial estimate of location to allow the plate solve to complete quickly. SharpCap 3.1 also contains blind plate solving (on the tools menu) which does not require a connected mount, it will just run your local copy of AstroTortilla/ASPS/AnSvr on the next frame and show the results in the notification bar. […]

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