My first Jupiter and it’s GRS with the new ASI224MC

First Jupiter with ASI224 MC

Finally i received it ! After months of waiting, i finally got my first true camera for astrophotography : The ZWO ASI224 MC. I hesitated for long time to buy it, cause i have to do make the decision between buying a monochrome camera ASI120MM + RGB filters + Filter Wheel or a simple and high sensitive color camera like the ASI224MC.

After many dicussions in forums i finally made the decision to buy the color astrophotography camera. All reviews are saying that it’s very very sensitive, and comparing to the monochrome camera it will be much easier to use it and polyvalent as it can be used in Deep Sky astrophotography thanks to very low read noise.

First test on Jupiter

Jupiter was at almost 38° of altitude and the Great Red Spot clearly visible in the 8mm eyepiece. The seeing was correct, so i took advantage of this opportunity to take my first image of Jupiter with it’s GRS using the ASI224MC :

First Jupiter with ASI224 MC

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See also  M27 : The Dumbbell Nebula shot with ASI224 and Skywatcher Telescope

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