Gassendi Moon crater shot with ZWO ASI224 MC



Description of Gassendi Crater :

Circular formation situated on the North bank of Mare Humorum. Steep slopes to the North gobbled to the South in Mare
Humorum and supporting the couple Gassendi A and B to the North.
Walls higher to the West and gobbled to the South in Mare Humorum.
Very large flat floor covered by Rimae Gassendi. Internal mountainous ring. Double central mountain 1200 m high. Hills craterlets and lines of crest.

Technical Data :

Taken with Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount RA motorised

Camera ASI224 MC + IR pass filter

Mosaic of 6 images.

Processed in AS!2, Registax and Photoshop


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See also  2 weeks with a telescope Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount

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10 Responses

  1. SaltyTea says:

    I’ve been trying the logitech c270 but I find it so hard to get it into focus. Even when it’s in focus it turns out very blurred. Can you help me out?

    • hdryx says:

      Are you using a Barlow? What’s your scope? Do you have an image of your setup? Also, with an eyepiece, the image is clear or blurry ?

  2. SaltyTea says:

    The image is perfectly clear with the eyepiece, I’m using a 2x barlow and i have a celestron 130slt. It’s just that the target is very blurry and hard to keep track of even with a goto because it’s that zoomed in

    • hdryx says:

      What software are you using with the webcam? Also did you try to directly mount the webcam without a Barlow?

  3. SaltyTea says:

    I’m using sharpcap and I did try without a barlow but i couldn’t get it to focus

  4. SaltyTea says:

    Yeah, I removed the lens

  5. sameer says:

    Hi , i would like to buy sky watcher telescope to see the moon so closely just like the image above ,
    could you please tell me how to buy sky watcher 150/750 , and also what else do i need to buy with it , to see the moon so close and clearly , your help will much be appreciate it , thank you in advance ,

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