Full Moon huge mosaic in colors with ASI224MC and Barlow x2

After my first lunar mosaic done 1 month ago (check here : Full Moon in colors) i decieded to do it again and this time to go further in details by using a Barlow x2. This way to field will be even smaller and so i have to take more panels to acheive the moon mosaic (32 panels this time vs 6 the last time without barlow)

To access the Full resolution version (5000x5000pixel, 7MO) : Click Here


Intermediate version (3000x3000pixel, 3MO) : Click Here



Technical Details

I used a newtonian telescope Skywatcher 150/750 on a Neq3-2 mount. The camera was an ASI224MC (color camera) with a Zwo IR Cut Filter + Barlow Skywatcher x2.

I took 32 videos with the software Firecapture. Each video is composed 2000 – 3000 frames captured at full resolution 1304×976.

The processing was done in :

  • Autostakkert 3 (AS!3) : 500 frames kept and stacked from each video
  • Autopano : the different images stacked were stitched together
  • Registax 6 (download Registax 6 for free) : Wavelet processing to enhance details of moon surface
  • Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop : Color enhancement (Vibrance and Saturation) and cropping + some Levels and Curve processing.


Have questions ? Don’t hesitate to ask me 😉

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See also  Upgrading Your Skywatcher 150/750: Must-Have Accessories

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