Clavius Moon Crater shot with Skywatcher 150/750 and ASI224 MC

Another shot of #Clavius, one of my favorite regions of the #Moon
Mosaic of 4 images
4 videos of 5000 frames at 150 fps
Skywatcher 150/750 + ASI224 MC + IR Pass Filter + Barlow x3
Tunis, Tunisia


About Clavius Crater

Clavius is one of the largest crater formations on the Moon, and it is the third largest crater on the visible near side. It is located in the rugged southern highlands of the Moon, to the south of the prominent ray crater Tycho. The crater is named for the Jesuit priest Christopher Clavius, a 16th-century German mathematician and astronomer.

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See also  Gassendi Moon crater shot with ZWO ASI224 MC

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