2 weeks with a telescope Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount
Today it’s exactly 2 weeks since i got my first telescope : A Newtonian Skywatcher 150/750 with an equatorial mount Neq3-2. My experience during this very short time was rich and extermly amazing as i was able to use my telsecope many times (almost everyday) thanks to the good weather conditions in this summer.
Below a video containing my best images captured during my first 2 weeks with the telscope Skywatcher 150/750 :
When i bought the newotnian telescope i was sceptic about what i will be able to photograph from my home because of the huge light pollution. I can’t see the milky way and a very small number of stars are only visible with the naked eye.
Even with the telescope and through the eyepiece, the number of the stars visible is really small.
But when i connected my camera Nikon D3000 and started to image the sky, i didn’t beleive my eyes on there was details and stars in the pictures.
My mount don’t have a GoTo and neither an autoguiding system. It only has an RA motor to allow the scope to compensate the rotation of the earth.
I started by imaging the most easy target in the sky : The Moon. I took many images and different times (evening, night, …). I used my DSLR Nikon D3000 to take a full image of the moon and i used my modified webcam Logitech C270 to take zoomed images of crateras and other regions of the moon.
After that i tried to image some deep sky objects like stars, globular star cluster, galaxies like
- The beautiful star Vega
- M13 : the great hercule globular cluster
- M51 : the wirlpool Galaxy
- M31 : the andromeda Galaxy
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