Copernicus shot with ASI224 MC and Filter Zwo Ir Cut
This time i tried to shoot a beautiful crater in the Moon without the using of the IR Pass filter. I used instead a Zwo Ir Cut Filter.
The crater i chose is Copernicus (Copernic). It’s a young and isolated formation with hexagonal form, bight rays all around. Very steep slopes dominant Mare Insularum of 900 m tormented and supporting Fauth to the South and
Gay-Lussac to the North.
The image is mosaic composed by 5 images. Each one is a result of a video of 5000 frames captred at around 227 fps.
Gain : 288
Shutter : 3.5ms
The equipement used is : Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount, ASI224 MC, Barlow x3 and Zwo IR Cut Filter.
Captured on the 02/08/2017
I managed to get a decent shot of Copernicus with my new 120MC but with a 2x barlow instead of 3. The scope I used was a 130SLT on the standard mount, shot with firecapture and stacked and processed in autostakkert and lightroom
Also forgot to mention Clavius too
Hi Matt,
Excellent images, did you use Registax for wavelettes ?