Copernicus shot with ASI224 MC and Filter Zwo Ir Cut

This time i tried to shoot a beautiful crater in the Moon without the using of the IR Pass filter. I used instead a Zwo Ir Cut Filter.

The crater i chose is Copernicus (Copernic). It’s a young and isolated formation with hexagonal form, bight rays all around. Very steep slopes dominant Mare Insularum of 900 m tormented and supporting Fauth to the South and
Gay-Lussac to the North.


Copernicus crater with Skywatcher 150/750


The image is mosaic composed by 5 images. Each one is a result of a video of 5000 frames captred at around 227 fps.

Gain : 288

Shutter : 3.5ms

The equipement used is : Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount, ASI224 MC, Barlow x3 and Zwo IR Cut Filter.

Captured on the 02/08/2017

4.00 avg. rating (84% score) - 1 vote
See also  2 weeks with a telescope Skywatcher 150/750 on Neq3-2 mount

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3 Responses

  1. Matt Baker says:

    I managed to get a decent shot of Copernicus with my new 120MC but with a 2x barlow instead of 3. The scope I used was a 130SLT on the standard mount, shot with firecapture and stacked and processed in autostakkert and lightroom

  2. Astrophotography Telescope says:

    Hi Matt,
    Excellent images, did you use Registax for wavelettes ?

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